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Harga Yamaha RX King

Harga Yamaha RX King
Harga Yamaha RX King Bekas / Second
Yamaha RX King 1997 – 1998 Harga 4 – 4.5 jt
Yamaha RX King 2002 – 2005 Harga 6.5 – 7.5 jt
Harga Motor Yamaha RX King Baru dan Bekas (Second). Name RX King is one of the allegorical motorcycle in Indonesia. It seemed that anybody apperceive its big name (and aswell its strengths and weaknesses).

Information Summary

This RX King motor is the aboriginal plan of R & D Yamaha Indonesia and not produced in addition country. Coating to accomplish them user affable motor, accessibility and energetic.

With engine 2-tak 135 cc, this bike has solid handling, acknowledging power, quick acceleration, but still nice to use in a apathetic speed, alias the annular beneath is aswell powerful.

As it is accepted that the motor is a acquired of Yamaha RX Series, aboriginal time this came out in 1983 and concluded in 2009, 26 years is a continued time for a motorcycle. This “King” already win a lot of biker’s hearth.


  1. Salam kenal za,
    Harga list nya dah ok, tapi sering di update donk,spy harganya real,ok.
    Maaf ni cm masukan dan saran ja,yah

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